Remedy Hall celebrates 1 year of service to the community!

Remedy serves the elderly, veterans, run-away youths, unhoused families, neighbors and friends with free essentials.  CLICK HERE to learn more!

Town of W’town reminds residents to RETURN 2025 ANNUAL CENSUS promptly. Town will mail census form out to all residents week of Jan. 13.

Failure to respond to the census will result in removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls. Anyone who does not receive their census form in the mail within the next three weeks or anyone who has questions pertaining to the form should call Town Clerk, Nicole E. Beverly at 458-3500 Ext. 101.

All forms should either be mailed back in the enclosed return envelope or
dropped off at Town Hall. You can use the Town’s drop box, located outside the
front door of Town Hall or come into the office.

The census (Annual Street Listing) is a requirement per Massachusetts General Law.

Residents should not use the census form for the purpose of voter
registration. Any resident who is not registered to vote may register by going
to the Secretary of State’s website: or by
mailing or dropping off a voter registration form to the Town Clerk’s Office (31
North St.).

You can also register to vote in person at The Town Clerk’s Office.
Voter registration forms can be found on the Secretary of State’s website as well:

Parents of college students or members of the military who are registered voters
in Williamstown should be aware that deleting those children from their census
form will remove them from the active voters list. Also, households that have
dependent children in them, but are not listed on your census form
should add their children to the form and complete the information
that pertains to each child. Information regarding the children is not a
public record and is used only by the schools for enrollment purposes.

The Clark is FREE thru March 2025!! Enjoy new WALL POWER! modern colorful French Tapestry Exhibit.

Discover the Clark’s permanent collection and special exhibitions, including Wall Power! Modern French Tapestry from the Mobilier national, Paris and Abelardo Morell: In the Company of Monet and ConstablePaginations, a new series of year-round public installations featuring works drawn from the Clark library’s extensive holdings, opens its first exhibition on January 21, A–Z: Alphabetic Highlights from the Library’s Special CollectionsExplore all that the Clark has to offer, including the beauty of the serene winter landscape!

The Clark public programs calendar is also bursting with a busy line-up of lectures, tours, concerts, films, and more.

W’town Police Dept & ‘Strengthening Police Community Partnerships Council’ invite all to HOLIDAY GATHERING on Sat., Dec. 14, 4-6:00pm.

Come to the W’town Police Station for pizza, games & activities, prizes, hot cocoa, FUN! Free & all are welcome!  Also collecting items for the Food Pantry: pasta, peanut butter, tp, napkins, soup, rices, snacks.  W’town Police Station is located across from Cozy Corner Restaurant at 815 Simonds Rd.

DONATE to HAT & MITTEN DRIVE during week of Dec. 16-22 ..deliver to Spring St. businesses.

Donate NEW hats, mittens, & gloves to benefit local residents-in-need.  Drop off to these Spring St. business:  Amy’s Cottage… Goodman’s Jewelers..Nature’s Closet…The Print Shop…Spring Street Market…Where’d You Get That?…Williams Shop.. Williams Bookstore.

Also the Store at 5 Corners, South Williamstown.